1. About OBLO web ID
2. The Description
3. About the man stand behind OBLO web ID
4. About Ogeb Bloggers Live
5. Another Pages
6. Contact
About OBLO web ID
OBLO ( Organisasi Bocah Lali Omah / Ogeb BLOggers ) was established in 2005 from the company named IRC Network Dalnet. From the people who have the ability on the field, started to share the same hobby and desire and built the #OBLO channel. Because of the lack of times, the #oblo channel was desolated and abandoned by its members. So I tried to figure out some solution to keep the relationship between members, and Blog was the right choice.
On 2007, OBLO blog was http://oblo-dalnet.blogspot.com, but in January 2009, OBLO changes to http://www.oblo.web.id.
The Description
The topic I shared is about a Part of my life, Blogging Tips, Computer, Software, Tutorial and Design. But now I’m focusing on learning about Web Application, Computer and Design.
About the man stand behind OBLO web ID

Name: Denny Apriliyanto T. S.
Nick: Themumi
Born: Kudus / April 1987
Address: Menur Street 192
City: Kudus
Occupation: Freelancer / Students
About Ogeb Bloggers Live
I study in some university in the Kudus city. I like all about the internet and computers. Besides that, I also like automotive, touring, traveling and eating. In my spare time I usually add friends via blogging and chatting. Blogging is a fun activity, we can share and get friends, and we can also add knowledge in a variety of things.
I'm the first child of the two brothers. I now live in a town called Kudus with my mother and brother.
Another Pages
Mail: themumi@gmail.com
YM id: moon09041987
You can send mail with the contact pages
Hope you happy to stay here. thanks for visit