Nowday they fight again as Sulumits Retsambew contestant and I hope they can win the SEO contest for our Country. I know to optimation the page for contest it hard and need more team works, as all know OBLO™ also be a contestant on some local SEO contest.
Here they are the fighter that I know. at firs place as we know the winner of Busby SEO Sulumits Retsambew ( Kabonfootprint ), till this posting online still on rank 3 is Sulumits Retsambew ( Peede dot com ). Next we can found Sulumits Retsambew ( Carissaputri dot com ) and
Sulumits Retsambew ( Brokencode ), brokencode also give some support to all Indonesian contestant. at last I can found Sulumits Retsambew ( Sulumitsretsmbewmaster ) I know that many contestan again from Indonesia, but im sorry couse to many link is bad :)
I hope all Indonesian blogger can give some support and give more link for they to fight in Sulumits Retsambew till 15 Agustus 2009
Bravo for Indonesian SEO Master.
10 Comments for Sulumits Retsambew Support:
kalau ingat sulumits, jadi ingat pak marsud..
Moga sukses :)
WoW, I am sorry, I am newbie, I don't understand about that yet, btw nice to see you, regard.
waduh saya ngertinya blackberry doank mas, jadi bingung bacanya. tapi gpp deh baca2 menambah ilmu juga hehehe
walah-walah, cuma ngerti balckbery doang
nggak beda jauh sih
terima kasih pren atas dukungannya, MERDEKA!
kalo inget kontes itu saya inget temen saya..
diam2 ternyata dia bisa di posisi halaman pertama google (walaupun paling bawah).
hebat euy!
Ikutan juga? wah semoga menang yah
Sukses ikutan kontesnya, sekarang dah posisi ke berapa dan masuk 10 besar kah?
wah kontes seo dengan kiword itu baru denger neeh, moga sukses aja bagi blogger kita yang ikut :D
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